Buddy Holly is so amazing to me! I HAD to make sure to include him in this new series.
He has inspired so many millions of people and he only lived to be 22! His death by plane crash with Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper was just a huge tragedy. To lose 3 superstar musicians in an instant like that. It was before my time, but I imagine that just created a ripple of sadness through the world.

Buddy Holly #rawartists #rawlasvegas #rawartists.org #mixedmedia #beforetheirtime, originally uploaded by i am drexel.
Here’s one piece for my upcoming Raw Artists Las Vegas show on Thursday. The theme of the series is “Before their Time”. If you’re in the area the show is Thursday, June 28th 8pm – midnight @ The Royal House, 99 Convention Center Drive, Las Vegas. Stop by!
XO, dreXeL