Well this is exciting for me!  If you go to Brooklyn Art Project this month you’ll see a slice of my artwork as the header image for the site.  I have hereby become one with BAP website!  It looks like this, but obviously LARGER if you actually go to the site:

bap header img

bap header img

But WAIT, there’s more.  I just found out I’m also the featured artist on BAP.  So if you go to the website it looks like THIS:

featured artwork "Delta Mace"

featured artwork "Delta Mace"

So yeah, that makes me happy.  Just thought I’d let you know.



[tags]art, painting, featured artist, BAP, brooklyn art project, brooklynartproject.com, delta mace, smack is a vampire, billie holiday, mixed media, urban art, nyc, brooklyn, harlem[/tags]