dreXeL's Blog

Thoughts, Musings, Ramblings, Etc...

Spa Posters

Spa Posters

Client wanted a small series of posters for a day spa that uses their skincare products in their treatments. They wanted it to be simple, with a photo of one product and a testimonial.

Eight Levels of Awesome Infographic

Eight Levels of Awesome Infographic

Eight Levels of Awesome Infographic

Eight Levels of Awesome Infographic

Project: Create a poster which explains the various levels of success possible at Evolutionary Enterprises, Inc., a deregulated energy company, to be used as information in all offices in the US.

This was an interesting challenge, because there was a TON of information they needed to get onto these posters and into all the offices. But as posters, they had to be aesthetic enough to be displayed in each office and look like art, while also giving the staff a resource for answers to questions about the various levels attainable within the company. Additionally, it had to appeal to the demographic who worked at the company across the US. 

the Las Vegas job network for food and drink professionals.


HPESC Brochure

HPESC Brochure

HPESC Brochure

Home Pet Euthanasia of Southern California Brochure
brochure front
brochure back

Project: To create a brochure, as part of a series of brochures which help answer pet owners’ questions about home pet euthanasia.

This is a very sensitive subject for pet owners, so it was important that the look and feel be soothing, caring, warm and friendly, while informative. I’ve really enjoyed working with this client, Dr. Annie Forslund. I’ve gotten to work with her on newsletters, brochures and her website, to help create a uniform brand identity. And hopefully lots more to come.

Joy Villa CD Cover

Joy Villa CD Cover

Joy Villa CD Cover

Joy Villa CD Cover

Project: This was a rush request to create CD cover art for an upcoming event, using one of several photos provided by client. I also created a logo for this. It was uncertain if she would even have time to get it all printed. The client ended up having to solve the CD cover a different way, since she was in another location and the event was in 24 hours. So sadly, this design never saw the light of day.

the Las Vegas job network for food and drink professionals.


Sense of Wonder

Sense of Wonder

Sense of Wonder

Artist Bios

Natural Wonders Gallery

Natural Wonders Gallery

Natural Wonders Gallery

Magazine Ad

Vegas VIP Party

Vegas VIP Party

Vegas VIP Party





Poster & RSVP Card

EEI Residential

EEI Residential

EEI Residential

Handout Flier