dreXeL's Blog
Thoughts, Musings, Ramblings, Etc...

Doctors’ Speakers Network
I loved this project. It was for a team of awesome doctors in Silicon Valley who give lectures on nutrition and wellness to corporations like Adobe, Sony, HP, Symantec, Netgear and Samsung. They wanted a brand update and a new website. I had a lot of creative freedom on this one.

Sierra Del Tigre
This client decided to take her land and protect it by turning it into a conservation. It’s what’s called a “cloud forest”, meaning a forest at the top of a mountain so high it’s actually in the clouds.
The views and wildlife and nature are breathtaking. The task was to create a brand which showed in an instant what Sierra Del Tigre is, including all parts of the landscape.
Just working on this logo and website made me want to go to Costa Rica SO BADLY! I should have tried the whole “I think I need to see the place IRL to really be able to get the feel of the brand.”

Double Cleanse Duo
I loved doing this. The client was having a sale on a duo of skincare products. There was only one good photo of the bundle together and it had already been used a LOT. So using the plain commercial product images and the help of AI & Photoshop, I created a new photo of the bundle. Then created the sale graphic from that. They were very happy with the result. And the sale did REALLY well.

Matt Hyde Website
Matt Hyde Website
Project: Create a dark, clean website for music producer, Matt Hyde.
This was a really fun website to do. I wanted to include elements of music production somehow. So I created the logo to resemble an EQ, and added a texture closeup of the black leather on a speaker or amplifier to the header.
Matt Hyde is an amazing music producer, He’s produced so many famous artists’ albums it’s almost ridiculous, from Slayer to Cyprus Hill, Deftones to No Doubt. As I write this, he’s in the studio with Soulfly, working on their new album. So as you can imagine, it’s been quite an honor for me to have the opportunity to create his website for him.
the Las Vegas job network for food and drink professionals.

Pittock Mansion Mockup
Pittock Mansion Mockup

Project: To create a web design mockup which is classic but still edgy and cool, which would reflect the aesthetic and tradition of this historical landmark and museum of Portland, OR.
the Las Vegas job network for food and drink professionals.

Nomic Newsletter
Nomic Newsletter

This is a custom newsletter I created for Nomic, the Las Vegas job network for food and drink professionals.
Project was to create a newsletter that followed the brand to the letter, and which contained editable fields. So anyone could add new text and titles and images without having to know a lot of code.
the Las Vegas job network for food and drink professionals.

Chalk Preschool
Chalk Preschool
Responsive Website

Animated slider for each school, with animated dots that also link to the color coded school.

The Lakeview slider has animated rockets and dots.

I went a little crazy on this one. All the little sketches are animated, and the dots.

The big, sketchy balls are animated in this one and the dots.

Contact form uses same preschool colors but a different design.

This is just what one of the subpages for each school looks like. I made a template for each school, including its animated slider as well as the sidebar navigation for that specific school. (There are 5 total.) So later on when people want to update, add a page to a particular school etc. it’s easy and they don’t have to know any html or anything to make a page that matches that school’s design.
Project Details
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Billy Sheehan
Billy Sheehan
Responsive Website

News page with Facebook feed, Twitter feed sidebar and upcoming tour dates in sidebar.

Newest album on the discography page with tracklist and iTunes and Amazon links.

Some of the discography items like this one have players so you can listen to the album from the page. Also purchase links for iTunes and Amazon and some other stuff…release date, record label etc.

Tour dates page with recent music vids in the sidebar. For upcoming shows there are links to the show’s fb page as well as to purchase tickets. I like that feature.
Project Details
Redesign of Billy Sheehan’s website, to include images, tour dates, discography, news, Facebook and Twitter feeds, links and contact. This one was definitely an honor for me to do. Billy Sheehan is awesome! <3
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Energy One Landing Page
Energy One
Landing Page
Project Details
Client wanted a corporate landing page in brown and orange, which was interesting to look at, easy to read, easy to sign up to, just simple. *Note: In this screenshot you can see the logo from the stock photo site I used in the coffee cup. Client did eventually purchase stock photo so we could remove that. 🙂
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Over Night Prints
Over Night Prints
Summer Sale Email Template
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Evolutionary Enterprises
Evolutionary Enterprises

Project Details
Create a website that’s slick, edgy, corporate and professional. Intented publics were rockstar reps and agents and corporations. Challenge was that it had to appeal to two completely different publics in various markets.