As you probably already know, I’m in the process of moving to Las Vegas. But that doesn’t stop me from being part of the best collective of woman artists EVER-Younity. One of the best experiences I had living in NYC was having the honor of being part of this collective with Toofly and Alice Mizrachi. And if I have my way I’ll be working with them, collaborating on projects etc. FOREVER!

That said, there’s a new Younity show coming up October 3rd. The flyers are shown below, but here are the deets:

Younity presents: “FRESHER! Spread Change Now”
Press Hour 7pm – 8pm
Opening for General Public 8pm – 10pm
7 Suffolk Street (betw. Stanton and Rivington Streets)

If you’re in the area, you should definitely come through. An entire year goes into the planning for these Younity shows. They’re ALWAYS amazing…great art, great music, a LOT of people and a ton of media coverage. Last year’s show was pretty much the event of the year. And this one will be even better.

So there’s your briefing. You feel briefed?

XO, dreX

[tags]younity, fresher, art show, art exhibit, artist collective, urban art, street art, toofly, drexel, alice mizrachi, am, lady pink, martha cooper, aiko, diana mcclure, erotica, erin yoshi, fever, flygirrl, jenevieve713, marthalicia, shiro[/tags]